Live thru Jesus
Live thru Jesus Weekly Devotions
I'm Sorry, But I Have My Own Needs Right Now

I'm Sorry, But I Have My Own Needs Right Now

Ruth 2

Sometimes it feels like we have too many needs of our own to be there for anyone else. We aren't sure if we can set our own needs aside for anyone else. If we don't take care of ourselves right now then no one else will. Maybe you are going through a really tough time and you just feel like you need to shift the focus away from others and onto yourself for a while. That makes sense from a human perspective. But God has another way. He says to go ahead and take care of others and trust Him to take care of us. He won't let you down.

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Live thru Jesus
Live thru Jesus Weekly Devotions
A quick lesson that we can learn from the longer passage that we studied this week. For those who don't want to study the whole passage and just want a quick devotion to meditate on throughout the week.