Live thru Jesus
Live thru Jesus Weekly Devotions
To All the Young Moms - I Haven't Forgotten What It's Like

To All the Young Moms - I Haven't Forgotten What It's Like

Ruth 3

As I read about Ruth, Boaz, and Naomi this week and saw how they each had their roles, I thought about my role as a mom whose kids are grown now. The joys are endless, and wonderful, and every age and stage are great for many reasons. I'm sure I've written about the joys of motherhood before and I'm sure I will again, but that's not what I'm thinking about today. Today, I want to encourage you in your struggles by letting you know that I remember.

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Live thru Jesus
Live thru Jesus Weekly Devotions
A quick lesson that we can learn from the longer passage that we studied this week. For those who don't want to study the whole passage and just want a quick devotion to meditate on throughout the week.