Live thru Jesus
Live thru Jesus Weekly Devotions
Accept and Redeem the Gift Jesus Bought You

Accept and Redeem the Gift Jesus Bought You

Ruth 4

Jesus paid the price for our souls. But unless we accept the sacrifice He made on our behalf, it is useless to us. Accept Jesus today!

In Ruth 4, Boaz redeemed Naomi’s inheritance. Like everything in the Old Testament, this points us to the Ultimate Redeemer, which is Jesus. This devotion gives a practical demonstration of redemption and many scriptures about Jesus as our Redeemer. It also talks about how we are His children and receive an inheritance in heaven.

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Live thru Jesus
Live thru Jesus Weekly Devotions
A quick lesson that we can learn from the longer passage that we studied this week. For those who don't want to study the whole passage and just want a quick devotion to meditate on throughout the week.