I hear "speak the truth in love" but struggle to come up with a scenario where that can be done. If a fellow Christian advances an error they believe to be true, then I likely cannot come up with a correction, from the bible or not, that will not be perceived as malice. How about a "for instance".

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Well if someone says “I didn’t go to church yesterday cuz I was just so exhausted but God understands. He knows I needed a break”. My response was that He commands us to gather together and when we are obedient He provides for our needs so I think He will provide the restoration needed if we go to church no matter what. My understanding is that response would be that I’ve had that thought cross my mind before too but when I consider why I’m so tired it’s because I chose to do something on Saturday that made me tired and I realized that by staying home from church I was choosing my Saturday thing over worshipping God and I really should have prioritized Him above other things. Is that the type of for instance you were talking about?

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